Permits: How to get residence permit and CPR number

If you are staying in Denmark for more than 3 months you will need a residence permit and a CPR number (personal identification number). Your CPR number enables you to get health insurance in Denmark.

Arrive in Denmark more than 6 weeks before study start

If you arrive more than 6 weeks before study start (or after our Orientation Day), you will need to go to the State Administration centre yourself for your residence permit, and then to Citizen Services in Aarhus for your CPR number.

Follow the links below for more information. 

Arrive in Denmark for study start

Info for the study start in August 2024. 

When arriving in Aarhus, you must be issued with a CPR number (only for students living in the municipality of Aarhus) and a EU residence document (only for EU/EEA students).

If you arrive around the semester start, you will be invited to partake in a “CPR day” at Dokk1. Here you can apply for both your CPR number and residence permit at the same time and the process is streamlined for students.

We will explain the procedure in much more detail at the Orientation Day.

Please read and follow the procedure carefully.

The dates are as follows:

  • EU students: Tuesday 20 August, Tuesday 27 August, Tuesday 3 September or Tuesday 17 September 2024.
  • Non-EU and Nordic students: Thursday 5 September or Tuesday 10 September 2024.