Efteruddannelse Kurser Kursister Aarhus 2014 23

Part-time AP degree subjects - only for groups (minimum 12 participants)

New skills—made in Denmark—are for those of you who want to enhance your CV, job opportunities, and network.

Educate yourself at Business Academy Aarhus and get tools you can use right away. You’ll get new knowledge, inspiration, and an internationally recognised certificate to prove it.

Teaching is exclusively in English.

Target group

Currently, we only offer our English subjects to pre-arranged groups (a minimum of 12 participants per subject). Unfortunately, these subjects are not for fulltime students or people who do not live in Denmark.

What’s in it for you?

  • Inspiration and an academic challenge - choose between sales, marketing, coaching and innovation
  • Competencies which are well-known in the Danish labour market
  • Qualifying subjects you can add to your CV
  • Part-time educational courses, leaving you time for other activities in your everyday life
  • Educational courses with ECTS credits (European Credit Transfer System)
  • Free sparring about your educational and career choices
  • Free access to several different network forums (mostly in Danish)

Flexible further education

With a qualifying education from Business Academy Aarhus, you have excellent flexibility. You can take a single subject, an entire programme or tailor-make your own programme that best matches your needs and desires. If you want an entire programme you can also combine your English subjects with our Danish part-time AP degree subjects.

About part-time Academy Profession degree subjects

With a part-time Academy Profession degree subject, you will get skills that you can either apply directly to your daily life, or improve on later.

You can take a single subject, an entire programme or tailor-make your own programme that best matches your needs and desires. Your needs and desires determine how your educational process is structured. 

Academy Profession degree programmes

An entire part-time Academy Profession degree programme gives you, in combination with your work experience, skills that correspond to the full-time Academy Profession degree (a short-term higher education). The programme is equivalent to 60 ECTS credits.

The programmes have both compulsory and electives subjects. We recommend that you take one subject per semester so that you can complete your higher education programme within three years. The programme is completed with a final project. Please note that you have six years to complete you part-time Academy Profession degree programme.

If you want an entire programme you can also combine your English subjects with our Danish part-time Academy Profession degree subjects

Subjects offered in English

Coaching in Organisations
Part-time AP degree subject | 10 ECTS

Coaching in Organisations

You will develop your dialogue and communication skills, with special focus on being able to coach in an organisational context.

Coaching in Organisations
Digital Marketing
Part-time AP degree subject | 10 ECTS

Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing is for those who want to know how to use the various online channels optimally in marketing.

Digital Marketing
Project Management in Practice
Part-time AP degree subject | 10 ECTS

Project Management in Practice

With the subject ‘Project Management in Practice’, you will learn all the basic skills of project management.

Project Management in Practice
Sales Psychology and Basic Sales
Part-time AP degree subject | 10 ECTS

Sales Psychology and Basic Sales

For those who want insight into their own personal profile, as well as knowledge about how to best read and handle the various customer types you’ll meet.

Sales Psychology and Basic Sales

Contact information – for Danish companies

Conny Thoftdahl Westphall


Senior Consultant