Cookies on

At Business Academy Aarhus, we follow all current legislation concerning the access to, storage of and processing of data via cookies, so that you be safe with us digitally.

You can read about how we collect and process data via cookies when you use here. You can read about the different types of cookies, why we use cookies on, and how you can choose which cookies you want.

Update your cookie permission

How we collect and process data when you use

As a user of our website, you can give us your consent so that we are allowed to access, store and process data about your visit via cookies. Consent is typically given/denied the first time you visit our site.

If you do not give us your consent, we will not collect data about your visit via cookies. You can still use our site, but some functions will not be available, e.g. you will not be able to watch our videos directly from our site.

If you provide your personal data on our website (e.g. by signing up for our newsletter, signing up for a course/subject or filling out a contact form), you will be asked to give us your consent when you add any personal data so that we can collect, store and process this information.

See more about how we collect, store and process your own provided personal data in our personal data policy 

What is a cookie?

Cookies are small data files that are stored in the browser on your computer, mobile or tablet when you visit a website.

Cookies store and pass on data about your visit on a website. That is a help for you so that your experience on the website is more flexible and customised – and a help for us to optimise our content and functions on the site.

We can only store cookies on your device without your consent if they are strictly necessary for the operation of the service you have specifically asked for (the cookies listed above as ‘Necessary’). For all other cookies we need your permission.

On we use different types of cookies. You can see all of them in the lists above.

Under the lists of cookies, you can read much more about which specific data we can collect via the different types of cookies, and how we use and store data collected through cookies.

Why do we use cookies on

We typically use the data we get access to through cookies to optimise and streamline our content, services, functions, activities and marketing – with the primary purpose of providing our users with a better experience on

Some cookies ensure that the site works correctly and securely – for example, by remembering your cookie consent or identifying whether you are a hostile software bot. Other cookies collect statistical data about users’ visits to the site, which we can use to optimise and adapt the site’s content and features to the actual use. There are also cookies set by other parties whose services we use to display content on our site – for example, when we show you our videos via You Tube or our posts from Instagram. You can also accept cookies that are used to target our online advertising on Facebook for example or Google Ads & Display Network.

What data do we get access to via cookies?

We only get access to, store and process the data you consent to. You can see all the cookies (incl. provider and purpose) you can give permission to in the lists above.

Our necessary cookies help prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks, preserves the visitor's session state across page requests and helps us distinguish between humans and bots – when users are filling in online forms. You cannot opt out of from these cookies.

If you accept preference cookies, our website will remember whether you have previously agreed to our cookies on one of our subdomains. 

If you accept statistics cookies, we may, for example, collect technical information about your computer, tablet or mobile, your IP number, your geographical location, which pages you visit, how long you are on our site, what you do (e.g. whether you sign up for a course, use the search function or click on certain links) and where you come from (e.g. from an ad on Facebook or via a Google search). We store this data in Google Analytics.

If you accept marketing cookies, we will also collect data about your movements on our site, which we can use to personalise our online advertising on Meta (Facebook/Instagram), Google Ads and Google Display Network (e.g. You Tube). You must also accept marketing cookies if you want to view content we provide through other services (where cookies are required) – for example, our videos, which are shown via YouTube and posts from our Instagram account, provided on our website by Elfsight.

You can always change your cookie consent via the link at the top of this page.

How we protect your data

Data from cookies is mostly anonymised. Data tells us what you do, but not who you are. In some cases, however, cookies also collect personal data, e.g. your IP address.

We treat and process all cookie-data we have confidentially and securely. We have taken technical and organisational measures to ensure that data is not either accidentally nor illegally disclosed, deleted, degraded, lost, or becomes known by any unauthorised people, misused or in any other way is processed in violation with the law.

We have a number of partners who also have access to the data we collect via cookies. This applies, for example, to our media and web agency. We have a data processing agreement with them – and they only treat and process data on our behalf and may not use our data for their own purposes. For example, our media agency may use data from our statistics and marketing cookies, but only to target online advertisements about Business Academy Aarhus.

When you interact with us outside – for example, by clicking on, commenting on, or liking our ads or social media posts or by clicking on our ads on Google or You Tube, then any collection of your data from this behaviour is also a matter between you and the media in question.

How data is stored

We store the data we obtain through cookies for the period permitted by law. This means, that information is deleted when it is no longer necessary for us to keep it. We store data from cookies in, among other things, Google Analytics and Facebooks pixel tracking tool. 

You can see how long each cookie is stored with you (and thus sends data to us) in the table above. 

Temporary cookies are automatically deleted when you leave the website (session) or x time after your visit to us. Each time you revisit the website, your cookies are renewed (if you have given consent) and the period starts all over again.

Persistent cookies will only be deleted if you actively choose to delete them yourself. You can delete the cookies stored in your browser at any time. You will then be asked for consent again the next time you visit our site. 

Get instructions for deleting cookies in the most common browsers here:

Get insight into our information pertaining to you

You have the right to know which personal data we have on you and how we treat it. If you want access to the personal data we have on you can see in our personal data policy how to contact us. Here you can also see how you can complain to the Danish Data Protection Agency.

Owner Information

The website is owned and provided by:

Business Academy Aarhus
Sønderhøj 30
8260 Viby J, Denmark
Phone: +45 7228 6000
VAT number: 31677971

See also Business Academy Aarhus’ personal data policy


Last updated 10 July 2023