

The quality system at Business Academy Aarhus ensures that we develop high quality programmes and subjects - both from an educational perspective and from a learning perspective. We focus on both traditional quality assurance and quality improvement and development.

Objectives of our quality system

Business Academy Aarhus works according to the following nine quality objectives:

  1. The programmes are relevant and correspond to the needs of the labour market
  2. The programmes are well designed and there is a correlation between the objectives, content, teaching and learning methods as well as the exams
  3. The students achieve good exam results
  4. The students are motivated and active partners in the educational process
  5. The students are satisfied with our teaching, programmes, support services and facilities
  6. The students have a high completion rate
  7. Our graduates obtain appropriate employment or engage in further education
  8. The programmes are up-to-date regarding the development of careers, professions and research
  9. Completed innovation projects have value for students, the programmes and companies

In order to follow up on our objectives, we continuously implement a series of evaluations and surveys, which among other things include student well-being, teacher evaluations and internship evaluations. In addition, we monitor the development of the student population, average marks, drop-out rates etc. You can read more about each survey, and view the results, via the menu on the right.

More statistics and analysis

On the Ministry of Higher Education and Science’s website you can also find additional information about education statistics and analysis (info only available in Danish) and on Uddannelseszoom you can compare programmes according to, for example, industry, salary, unemployment and completion rates (info only available in Danish).

Study satisfaction

An important part of the quality work at Business Academy Aarhus is study satisfaction measurements, which indicate the students’ satisfaction with their programme or subject, teaching and lecturers as well as with our facilities.

That is why we conduct not only an annual student satisfaction survey, which is a nationwide initiative for all business academies, but also an evaluation of our Academy’s lecturers. The results of these surveys indicate relevant areas, in which we can be even better.

You can read more about these surveys, the methods and the results for the past three years below.

'Danmarks studieundersøgelse': Learning environment and learning approaches

'Danmarks studieundersøgelse' is a survey which is conducted by the Ministry of Higher Education and Science. The survey is conducted among students at all continuing education institutions in cooperation between the Ministry and the individual educational institution. The survey was conducted in 2018 for the first time and will be conducted every second year from now on. 

The results of the survey will be used to enable each of the institutions to develop their programmes based on the input they receive from their students.

In 'Danmarks studieundersøgelse', a proportion of the questions are based on the research-based questionnaire ‘LEARN’, which was developed and is used by researchers from Finland. LEARN asks about the students’ own approach to learning, as well as the students’ experience of their programme and learning environment in precisely their educational programme.

Questions that are answered on a scale are answered from 1-5, where 1 is “Completely disagree and 5 is “Completely agree”.

You will find more about 'Danmarks studieundersøgelse' and LEARN on the Ministry of Higher Education and Science’s website. You can also find the questionnaire that is sent to the students here (info only available in Danish).


Find the evaluation results from 'Danmarks Studieundersøgelse' at Uddannelseszoom (info only available in Danish)

Download a summary of results from 'Danmarks Studieundersøgelse 2023' for all programmes at Business Academy Aarhus (pdf only available in Danish)

Lecturer evaluation

Business Academy Aarhus conducts a lecturer evaluation survey for all programmes every spring.

Results of the evaluation indicates the students' satisfaction with the teachers at our higher education.


Below you can see the total result for all our full-time higher education programmes according to selected indicators.

The lecturer links theory and practice

On a scale from 1-5







The lecturer involves the students in the classes

On a scale from 1-5







The lecturer is committed

On a scale from 1-5








An internship is essential, when it comes to the Academy's goal of providing an education with a strong link between theory and practice. The purpose of the internship is to provide a solid academic benefit for the students, which is simultaneously a good experience for both the individual students and for the individual company.

Our quality assurance of the internships ensures that the students achieve their learning objectives for the internship and, consequently, that they reach the learning objectives for their programme.

About the quality assurance of internships

Quality assurance of an internship is therefore a focus area at Business Academy Aarhus, and we have produced manuals for the programmes’ work with internships. In addition, we conduct evaluations of all internships. This means that we perform internship evaluations twice a year as we have interns in both the spring semesters and the autumn semesters, depending on which programme we are evaluating.

The purpose of the internship evaluation is to examine whether the internship process has lived up to the expectations of students as well as the companies, and the frameworks set for the internship. This includes evaluating whether the results of evaluations meet the set goals and standards for an internship, or whether any changes should be made.

Method of evaluation

The internship evaluations are conducted according to our internship evaluation manuals. This, among other things, means that we evaluate not only the intern’s benefit from their internship but also the company’s benefit during the internship period. Therefore, both the interns and the companies receive a questionnaire with different questions to evaluate whether the objectives and expectations of the internship have been achieved, and whether there might be room for improvement.

All students at Business Academy Aarhus who have had an internship, as well as all companies that have had an intern, receive a questionnaire about the process. We then prepare an evaluation report concerning the internship for each of the programmes that have had internships that spring and/or autumn where we also follow-up on the results.


Business Academy Aarhus conducts ongoing internship evaluations for all higher education programmes.

Below you will find the overall results for the entire Academy and then the results for the individual programmes.  

Satisfaction with the intern (opinion of the company)

On a scale from 1-5





Satisfaction with the internship (opinion of the intern)

On a scale from 1-5





The internship developed the intern’s personal competencies (opinion of the intern)

On a scale from 1-5





The internship has developed the intern’s academic skills (opinion of the intern)

On a scale from 1-5





The intern has developed his/her personal competencies (opinion of the company)

On a scale from 1-5





The intern has developed his/her academic skills (opinion of the company)

On a scale from 1-5





We educate for jobs

The Ministry of Higher Education and Science conducts a graduate survey Uddannelseszoom every second year, in even years. The ministry sends a questionnaire to all full-time students who have graduated from Business Academy Aarhus within the last 1-3 years. 

The questionnaire illustrates how the graduates evaluate whether their education has equipped them for jobs and whether they experience a consistency between the required competencies and the competencies they actually use in their current jobs. In addition, students are asked about their average working hours and work form in their jobs. The survey also focuses on how the graduates got their first job after they graduated from their educational programme, and which activities they assess have been the most important for them to get a job. 


The table below shows the Ministry of Higher Education and Science’s results of gross unemployment for graduates from programmes at Business Academy Aarhus.

The gross unemployment rate is calculated for graduates 1-2 years after graduation (4 to 7 quarters after graduation), and is an indication that the Ministry uses for societal relevance.

You can read more about the methods for the calculation of gross unemployment here (info only available in Danish)

Business Academy Aarhus (all programmes)

Gross unemployment








Here are the average marks for the students' exams for each programme.

We will update the marks on our webpage once a year. The overview of marks indicates the previous study year i.e from 1 October to 30 September the following year.

See results for all the degree programmes (pdf only available in Danish)

See results for all part time programmes (pdf only available in Danish)

Completion and drop out rate

On this page, you can find further information on the percentage of students who drop out of their programme before the programme's prescribed period. You can also find links to the Ministry of Higher Education and Science’s website where you can find statistics and information regarding study time and completion time.

First-year drop out rate

The first-year drop out rate shows how many students drop out of their educational programme within the first year of study.

You can see the first-year drop out rate for the Academy in the table below.

Business Academy Aarhus (all programmes)

First-year drop out rate







And you can find the first-year dro pout for all our programmes here (pdf only available in Danish)

Prescribed periods for the programmes

On the Ministry of Higher Education and Science’s website, you can find an overview of the prescribed periods for the programmes (info only available in Danish)

Addtional statistics

In addition, you can via the  Ministry of Education's data bank (info only available in Danish), see statistics for the average study time in months for completion, as well as the completion percentage for the programmes. And on Uddannelseszoom, you can compare the first year drop-out rate and the overall completion time for all programmes (info only available in Danish).